墨絵 Ink Painting
It is the sumi(ink) drawing which imaged the four seasons.
Because I put a painting together from materials, It's not wonderful.There
is a more wonderful picture in Japan!
SL_InkPainting.zip download 114KB
扇形額縁 Painting Fanflame
4 kinds of pictures and one kind of recolorable
I put it in a fan-shaped frame, and any kind of pattern becomes Japanese-style. It's mysterious!
SL_PrintingFanFrame.zip download 356KB
和風鏡 Japanese Mirror
カタログには6種類入ってます。1:素 2:藤模様(これだけ模様を色替え可能) 3〜6:色替え不能な貼り付け画像。
Catalogue:1:Plain 2:A wisteria design(Recolorable) 3〜6:Stencil(NOT recolorable)
They can move up&down.